Back in 1892: What Adams Morgan Looked Like Before the Jumbo Slices

Take a look back in time to 1892 and see what Adams Morgan looked like before the jumbo slices. Explore a topographic map from the Library of Congress showing the area with no 18th St. and 16th St. and a much more rural landscape.

Difficult to believe this … really difficult, but back in 1892, what is now Adams Morgan, was very rural. Less jumbo slices, more trees. You probably can’t even recognize this, with no 18th St. and 16th St. not going all the way through, but Columbia Road is there to orient you, as is Adams Mill Rd. Click on the map for a larger version to study.

Topographic map showing lot lines, buildings, and woods.  Covers District of Columbia outside former Washington city limits (Florida Avenue).
Topographic map showing lot lines, buildings, and woods.
Covers District of Columbia outside former Washington city limits (Florida Avenue).

Source: Library of Congress

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