Peace Activists Join Hundreds of Thousands Protesting the Vietnam War

Be inspired by these two young peace activists who joined several hundred thousand protestors in Washington DC to dissent against what they believed was an immoral war. See their photo on Estella Gonzalez's pinboard.

Here’s a photo we came across on Pinterest user Estella Gonzales’ pinboard.

Several hundred thousand people had descended on Washington to protest our involvement in the escalating Vietnam War.

The clean-cut collegiate looks of these two young peace activists do not fit the common stereotype of the long-haired radicals and "peaceniks" who protested against the escalating war in Southeast Asia. They were joined by several hundred thousand anti-war protestors who descended upon the nation's capitol to dissent against what they believed was an immoral war.
The clean-cut collegiate looks of these two young peace activists do not fit the common stereotype of the long-haired radicals and “peaceniks” who protested against the escalating war in Southeast Asia. They were joined by several hundred thousand anti-war protestors who descended upon the nation’s capitol to dissent against what they believed was an immoral war.

Source: Penn State Special Collections

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