Stunning Photos of the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

Check out these stunning photos of the massive crowd gathered in Washington D.C. for the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Source: Penn State Special Collections.

This is an incredible series of photos of the massive crowd gathered in the city for the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28th, 1963)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28th, 1963)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28th, 1963)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28th, 1963)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28th, 1963)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28th, 1963)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28th, 1963)
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28th, 1963)

Source: Penn State Special Collections

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