How fascinating is this article that we dug up in The Baltimore Sun. This is correspondence from Washington, printed on May 25th, 1866.

At the time, the former President of the Confederate States, Jefferson Davis, was imprisoned at Fortress Monroe, near Hampton, Virginia.
Mrs. Jefferson Davis, accompanied by her maid only, arrived this morning from Fortress Monroe. Mrs. Davis remained for some hours at the mansion of Dr. Thomas Miller, but afterwards tooks quarters at the Ebbett House. She has been called on by a number of visitors, including several ladies, but seems averse to receiving any marked attention. She will have an interview, if possible, with the President to-morrow, which is cabinet day. The President gave audience this morning to several visitors, among them Senators Fessenden and R. S. Lane and Hon. L. D. Campbell, of Ohio, the new minister to the republic of Mexico.
Doing a little searching through the old census records, it appears that Dr. Miller lived at 246 F St. NW. In The New York Times the following day, it was reported that she did call on President Johnson at the White House and requested that he look into the conditions under which her husband was being kept a prisoner at Fortress Monroe.