Rules at the swimming pool never change. Learn more about the history of swimming pool rules and regulations, and how they have been passed down through generations. Take a look back to the pasty white underbelly of wartime Washington in July 1942.
Some things never change. The pool rules are certainly no exception.
July 1942. Washington, D.C. “Municipal swimming pool on Sunday.” Remember: Sitting confined to sign. Photo by Marjory Collins for the OWI.
July 1942. Washington, D.C. “Sunday swimmers at the municipal pool.” These girls are all about the comics. So where’s Superman? Medium format nitrate negative by Marjory Collins for the Office of War Information.
July 1942. “Sunbathers on the grass next to the municipal swimming pool on Sunday.” The pasty white underbelly of wartime Washington. Medium format negative by Marjory Collins for the Office of War Information.