Patrick Brennan: The Irish Minister’s Son Delivering a Radio Address from His Home in 1938

Take a look back in time as we revisit the bizarre moment when Patrick Brennan, the son of the Irish Minister, gave a brief radio address from his home in Washington, D.C. in 1938. Read the full story here!

Bizarre title? Check out this great pic of the Irish Minister’s son (and cat) giving a brief radio address from his home. Yes, really.

Washington, D.C., circa 1938. "Patrick Brennan, son of the Minister of Ireland, and Mrs. Brennan." Or something like that. One of a series of photographs depicting children of various diplomats speaking from their homes to a radio audience. Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative.
Washington, D.C., circa 1938. “Patrick Brennan, son of the Minister of Ireland, and Mrs. Brennan.” Or something like that. One of a series of photographs depicting children of various diplomats speaking from their homes to a radio audience. Harris & Ewing Collection glass negative.

The post even reported on it back in December 1938.

Christmas Broadcast Speeches Talks to Be Carried to Their Native Lands By Short Wave as an Annual Good Will Gesture to the World from Washington

The junior Diplomatic Corps in Washington, meaning the sons and daughters of foreign representatives here, are busy learning speeches — some are even writing their own — in preparation for the seventh international children’s Christmas broadcast Tuesday, December 20.

The speeches, which will convey their greetings to distant nations will be broadcast from the Shoreham. This event is arranged annually by the Greater National Capital committee as a good-will gesture to the world.

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Ghosts of DC stories.