Celebrating Our One-Year Anniversary with a Look at a Texaco in Washington, D.C.

Celebrate our one-year anniversary with us by taking a look at this Texaco in Washington, D.C. We've dug up a cool photo from Shorpy and the Hydraulic-Press Brick Company in the back was located somewhere on Alexandria Pike.

Sorry our posts are so short. We spent the bulk of the holidays moving our site to better hosting (which hopefully you notice – faster page loads). We’ll make sure to crank out some good ones this weekend. Oh, by the way … tomorrow is our one-year anniversary!

In the meantime, here’s a cool photo we dug up on Shorpy.

This is a Texaco somewhere in the Washington area. The Hydraulic-Press Brick Company in the back was located somewhere on Alexandria Pike.

Washington, D.C. "Texas Company. Payne & Twomey, 1925." View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.
Washington, D.C. “Texas Company. Payne & Twomey, 1925.” View full size. National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.