Chasing a Man Who Refused to Pay for Chop Suey: A 1903 Washington Post Story

Read the incredible story of B.F. Chew, who ran a Chinese restaurant in Washington D.C. in 1903 and chased a man who refused to pay for chop suey. See the original article from the August 20th, 1903 Washington Post.

How can you not read an article with this title?

We came across this one in the August 20th, 1903 Washington Post.

B. F. Chew, who runs a Chinese restaurant on Thirty-second street, near M street northwest, created no little excitement last evening by chasing a man who refused to pay for chop suey. About 11 o’clock Chew rushed out of his shop in hot pursuit of a fleeing customer, and excitedly blowing a police whistle. He chased his man up M street until the latter finally put on a spurt and disappeared in the darkness, leaving Chew to lament his misfortune.

chop suey ... yum
chop suey … yum

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.