This is another example of how you don’t want to see your name in the papers. This is an article from the Baltimore Sun, published on Mar 9th, 1934.

Washington, March 8 (AP)–Representative Shoemaker (F.-L., Minn.) was arrested tonight on a charge of assaulting a taxicab driver. At police headquarters he posted a $25 collateral for appearance tomorrow morning.
Two District of Columbia detectives served the warrant, sworn out by Charles Newman, the cab driver, on Shoemaker outside the latter’s suite in the House Office Building, and took him to headquarters in a police car.
Shoemaker said he would appear for trial at 9:30 A. M., although he may elect to forfeit his collateral.
The warrant was issued two days ago after Newman had alleged that the Minnesota Representative had struck him in a row at a traffic light.