Exploring the U Street and Vermont Ave. NW Area Through Real Estate Maps

Check out the Baist real estate maps of the U Street and Vermont Ave. NW area to see how the neighborhood has changed over the years. See what Dodge City, Nellie's, and Brixton looked like in 1903 and 1921!

Below is the Baist real estate map of the area around U St. and Vermont Ave. NW. So if you’re a frequent patron of Dodge City, Nellie’s, or the hoppin’ new place, Brixton, this will be pretty interesting to you. Click on either of the images for greater details.

Baist map of U St. and Shaw (1903)
Baist map of U St. and Shaw (1903)

And check out the same area 18 years late in 1921. A large number of the frame houses are gone, replaced by brick structures.

Baist map of U St. and Shaw (1921)
Baist map of U St. and Shaw (1921)

We love these maps. They’re amazing.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.