Posted In Prohibition

Smith Commons ground floor
If Walls Could Talk: Smith Commons
Smith Commons Curious about Smith Commons on H St. in DC? Check out our latest “If Walls Could Talk” post. The winner of our second IWCT poll is the H Street hot spot, Smith Commons (I don’t think I like that acronym). I came across some interesting stories related to the spot at 1245 H St. NE, not to mention my favorite D.C. police officer. The next time you hit up happy hour at Smith Commons, you’ll have plenty to talk about with you friendly bartender. Four riders in a...
Popular Lieutenant Sprinkle of the 5th precinct (1914)
Officer Sprinkle: Captured Geronimo, Accused Bootlegger, and Bodyguard to President Wilson
A couple of reader comments about an Officer Sprinkle in this earlier post piqued my interest in finding out a little more about the guy who has the kind of name you’d give to a cat. An unforgettable name, so hopefully I’ll be able to dig up enough information on this guy to write a post worthy of being “A Personal Story.” Joshua Sprinkle – Boyd Joshua L. Sprinkle was born July 7th, 1864 in Ohio, just south of Columbus (the 1900 Census incorrectly listed his place of...

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Ghosts of DC stories.