Posted In Officer Sprinkle

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Finally Found Another Photo of Officer Sprinkle!
Fascinating article of our blog's favorite hero Officer Sprinkle.
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The Amazing Photo of Officer Sprinkle and His Brother
Thanks to a tweet, we came across an amazing photo of Officer Sprinkle and his brother from the National Law Enforcement Museum's blog. Check it out!
Washington Post obituaries - January 4th, 1933
Remembering Raymond B. Sprinkle – The Son of Officer Sprinkle
Remembering Raymond B. Sprinkle, the beloved son of Police Officer Sprinkle. His obituary was recently shared by long-time GoDCer John. Read about the mass & interment with military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.
Discovering the Story of Officer Sprinkle and the Inspiration for our Logo
Learn the incredible story of Officer Sprinkle and how it led to the inspiration for our logo. Read the original biography from the 1908 Metropolitan Police Department's official history book, plus the original photo that inspired it!
Circa 1902. "The Waldorf-Astoria, New York." The original, and somewhat forbidding, Waldorf at Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. (Shorpy)
Officer Sprinkle at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City
Officer Sprinkle, the patron saint of Ghosts of DC, took a trip up to New York City with 21 contest winners from The Washington Post. Read the account of the dinner party at the iconic Waldorf-Astoria they attended prior to heading to Europe.
Capitol Hill Haunts - Tim Krepp
The Mysterious Ghost of the Capitol Hill Police Substation
On Capitol Hill a few blocks from the Eastern Market Metro Station is a relic of a time gone by, the Metropolitan Police Department's First District Substation. Read here to learn about the mysterious ghost seen on the video cameras at the station.
1320 Florida Ave. NE - the Sprinkle family home
They Were Neighbors: Officer Sprinkle Lived Here
To satisfy your hunger for more Officer Sprinkle, I took a look into where he lived in 1900. At the time, he was 34 years old, had been married to his wife Teresa for 10 years and had been working for the Washington police force for the same amount of time. The Sprinkle family lived at 1320 Florida Ave. NE, in the Trinidad neighborhood, just outside of the boundary of old Washington city. Zillow states that the home was built in 1900, although the accuracy of that is debatable because I came across...
Lieutenant J. L. Sprinkle
A Wild Love Triangle: Officer Sprinkle Saves the Day
Officer Sprinkle is a DCPD badass. Read all about his daring rescue of a wild love triangle in the Washington Post on January 31st, 1892. Get a daily dose of DCPD badass Officer Sprinkle and his heroic deeds.
Old Masonic Temple building (via Jacqueline Drayer)
The Story of Officer Sprinkle and the Infernal Machine
Once again, our favorite hero has come to the rescue. Read the tale from the annals of Officer Sprinkle from July 1st, 1914 when an explosive device was found in a telephone box near the Old Masonic Temple in Washington, D.C.
Popular Lieutenant Sprinkle of the 5th precinct (1914)
Officer Sprinkle: Captured Geronimo, Accused Bootlegger, and Bodyguard to President Wilson
A couple of reader comments about an Officer Sprinkle in this earlier post piqued my interest in finding out a little more about the guy who has the kind of name you’d give to a cat. An unforgettable name, so hopefully I’ll be able to dig up enough information on this guy to write a post worthy of being “A Personal Story.” Joshua Sprinkle – Boyd Joshua L. Sprinkle was born July 7th, 1864 in Ohio, just south of Columbus (the 1900 Census incorrectly listed his place of...

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Ghosts of DC stories.