Posted In National Archives

Photograph of a View of the Entire Site for the National Archives Building, Washington, D.C.
View of National Archive Site Construction in 1932
This lovely old image shows the site of the National Archives early in the construction process. It was taken on July 1st, 1932.
National Archives building in 1933
Revealed: Rare Photo of National Archives Building Before Its Construction in the 1930s
Explore the fascinating history of the National Archives building through a rare photo taken before its construction in the 1930s. Discover the building's original design and learn how it was transformed into the iconic structure that houses some of America's most important documents today.
March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom program (1963)
Exploring the Official Program from the Historic 1963 March on Washington
Take a look into the past with this exploration of the official program from the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Watch the full Martin Luther King, Jr. speech to get a better understanding of the historic event.
Babe Ruth signs up for the New York National Guard
Babe Ruth in Washington, DC: The Story Behind the National Guard Enlistment Photo
Learn the story behind the iconic photo of Babe Ruth in a military uniform. He was in Washington, DC to enlist in the New York National Guard and play two games against the Washington Senators. Read the amusing articles from the Washington Post and Associated Press about the event.

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Ghosts of DC stories.