Posted In Department of Treasury

Washington, D.C., early 1860s. "Treasury Department in Lincoln's time (Cash Room behind the desks)."
Exploring the Spectral Presence in a Photograph of the Treasury Department in Lincoln's Time
Take a closer look at this photograph of the Treasury Department in Lincoln's time and see if you can spot any spectral presence. Explore the eerie picture to find out what secrets it holds!
Department of Treasury in 1860
A Remarkable Glimpse of Washington, DC in 1860: Take a Look at This Photograph of the Department of Treasury
Take a closer look at this incredible photograph from 1860 that captures the view of the Department of Treasury and Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC. Click through for some amazing detail you won't want to miss!
Washington, D.C., circa 1908 "F Street, looking toward Treasury." Note the sign on the Lincoln Park streetcar advertising the "hydraulic dive" at Glen Echo. (Shorpy)
A Look Back at F Street NW in Washington, D.C. circa 1908
Take a look back at F Street NW in Washington, D.C. circa 1908. Incredible photo and historic details are revealed in this shot. Click the photo to see the high-resolution version.
Capitol Building after World War I Armistace Day (DC Public Library Commons)
A Look Back at the Unbelievable Celebration of the End of World War I in Washington, DC
Take a look back at the unbelievable celebration of the end of World War I in Washington, DC. Read the Baltimore Sun report & see the Capitol Building fully lit up following the announcement of the armistice!
O Street pumping station (JDLand)
Exploring the O Street Pumping Station: Navy Yard Wins Two, Lost Boy Found Dead, and Wandering in a Daze
Exploring the O Street Pumping Station in Washington, D.C.! Learn about the 1911 amateur baseball championship, a lost boy found dead, and a mysterious case of a wandering man in a daze. Read the full story here.
Col. Benjamin F. Fisher and staff on steps of Signal Corps headquarters, 1816 F St., NW
Unveiling a Gallery of Rare Civil War Photographs from the Library of Congress
Discover a rare collection of Civil War photographs from the Library of Congress, including a Sanitary Commission picture with the Treasury Department in the background.
Riggs Nationals Bank (1919)
Then and Now: The Old Riggs National Bank Across from the Department of Treasury
Take a journey back in time with this "Then and Now" shot of the old Riggs National Bank across from the Department of Treasury. See the 1919 and today's shot from Google Street View. Follow @GhostsofDC on Twitter for more updates.

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