Posted In Chevy Chase MD

June 21, 1926. Washington, D.C. "Peggy Walsh, Clytie Collier and Ethel Barrymore Colt." National Photo Company glass negative.
The Good Life: A Look at Ethel Barrymore Colt, Peggy Walsh, and Clytie Collier in 1926
Discover the good life enjoyed by Peggy Walsh, Clytie Collier and Ethel Barrymore Colt in 1926. Learn about their backgrounds and the people they associated with, including Winston Churchill and Drew Barrymore's cousin, once removed!
Georgetown University football team in 1927 (source:
Hilltop Football Victory Wins Bride for Student: The 1928 Story of Marjorie Morris and F Stanley Nishwitz
In 1928, a football victory at Georgetown University resulted in a surprise wedding for Marjorie Morris and F Stanley Nishwitz. Read the story of this unique bet and the final score that rang the wedding bells!
26 Grafton St. in Chevy Chase - August 19th, 1923 (Washington Post)
Ah, Kids Will Be Kids: A Look at a Wild Flapper-Era Party in Chevy Chase and a Burlesque Show at the Strand Theater
Ah, kids will be kids. Even your grandparents and great-grandparents were kids once, and they too got themselves into trouble. Read about this wild flapper-era "whoopee" party in Chevy Chase and a burlesque show at the Strand Theater in downtown Washington, D.C.

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Ghosts of DC stories.