Posted In 1810s

Engraving of the Capitol after it was burned in August 1814
Engravings of the President's House and the Capitol Building Following the Burning of Washington in 1814
Explore these amazing engravings of the President's House and the Capitol Building following the Burning of Washington on August 24, 1814. The engravings were done by William Strickland and depict the destruction caused by the British attack and subsequent tornado.
WAterfront fire
Exploring the News Reports of the Burning of Washington 200 Years Ago
Two hundred years ago, the nation's capital was burned by a foreign power. Explore the reactions of two newspapers, The Columbian and the Federal Republican, to this historic event with us. PDFs of the articles are included.
Brown's Indian Queen Hotel
The Fascinating History of Brown's Indian Queen Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue
Explore the fascinating history of Brown's Indian Queen Hotel, a once-stately hotel on Pennsylvania Ave. in D.C. Learn about the hotel's notable guests, historic events and the "Star-Spangled Banner" first sung there in 1814.
James Madison
A Proclamation by President James Madison Suspending Certain Building Regulations for Washington on January 1st, 1817
On January 1st, 1817, President James Madison issued a proclamation suspending certain building regulations in Washington, DC. Learn more about this piece of old history here!
Print shows view from street of Blodget's Hotel with stagecoach parked in front and a person walking on the sidewalk on the left, later (from 1802 to 1836) the U.S. Patent Office.
The Fascinating History of Blodgett's Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Learn about the fascinating history of Blodgett's Hotel in Washington, D.C., from its beginnings in 1793 to its destruction by fire in 1836. Plus, check out the awesome work of local architectural historian Stephen Hansen.
Plan of the west end of the public appropriation in the city of Washington, called the Mall : as proposed to be arranged for the site of the university / to the Committee of the H. of R. of Congress, BHLatrobe, Surveyor of the City of Washington, Jan'y 1816.
Never Built: Proposed University on the National Mall in 1816
Early in the 19th century, there was a proposal to build a national university at the west end of the Mall, where the Lincoln Memorial now sits.
view down Pennsylvania Avenue toward Capitol Building
A Rare Glimpse into the Early 19th Century: A Painting of the Capitol Building
Take a trip back in time with this rare painting of the Capitol Building from the early 19th century. Get a glimpse of the Capitol as it looked more than 200 years ago. Source: Library of Congress.
Le coin de F. Street Washington vis-à-vis nôtre maison été de 1817.
A Glimpse into the Past: A French Drawing from the Early 19th Century
Take a step back in time and explore a French drawing from the early 19th century. See a glimpse of the past and marvel at the differences from modern day life. Don't miss the J. Crew!
The White House ruins after the conflagration of August 24, 1814. Watercolor by George Munger (WIkipedia)
The War of 1812 and Relocating the Nation's Capital
Why is the capital in Washington, DC? After the British burned the White House and Capitol in the War of 1812, the capital almost moved back to Philadelphia.
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If You're a D.C. History Nerd, You'll Find This Fascinating: A Look at the Capitol in 1814
Are you a D.C. history nerd? Check out this fascinating production from UMBC's Imaging Research Center that takes a look at what the Capitol looked like in 1814. The voiceover is a little dry, but follow along and watch the whole thing. It's very interesting!

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