The Aftermath of the April 1923 Flood in Washington, D.C.: A Photo and Streetcar Story

In April 1923, Washington, D.C. experienced a major flood. This blog post takes a look at the aftermath with a photo of the flood and a streetcar that's seen better days. Learn more about this historic event here.

In April 1923 there was a major flood in DC. Here is a photo of the aftermath and a streetcar that’s seen better days.

Washington, D.C. "Flood, April 30, 1923." Also some 91-year-old graffiti: "EH L TD." National Photo Company Collection glass negative.
Washington, D.C. “Flood, April 30, 1923.” Also some 91-year-old graffiti: “EH L TD.” National Photo Company Collection glass negative.

Source: Shorpy

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