A Look Back at the National Bank of Washington in 1892

Take a look back in time to 1892 with this beautiful old photograph of the National Bank of Washington. See how the buildings look today in a Google Street View!

Here’s a beautiful old photograph of the National Bank of Washington back in 1892.

National Bank of Washington--Louisiana Avenue--Central National Bank
National Bank of Washington–Louisiana Avenue–Central National Bank

Source: Library of Congress

Both of the buildings in the above photo are still there today as shown in the Google Street View below at 7th and Pennsylvania Ave.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?q=pennsylvania+ave+and+7th+st+nw+dc&layer=c&sll=38.893291,-77.021903&cbp=13,90.7,,0,-4.51&cbll=38.893471,-77.021904&hl=en&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Pennsylvania+Ave+NW+%26+7th+St+NW,+Washington,+District+of+Columbia+20004&ll=38.893291,-77.021903&spn=0.00587,0.011362&t=m&z=14&panoid=NAYNOdOEU7vxbYsRxYHPwA&source=embed&output=svembed]

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Ghosts of DC stories.