Remembering the Dixie Chicken Shop on 14th Street NW

Take a trip down memory lane to the Dixie Chicken Shop on 14th Street NW in 1939. Read the Baltimore Afro-American ad, see the photo, and reminisce about the good ol' days of fried chicken!

Sadly, this place no longer exists. And, the building it was in, is long gone. But, back in the day you could go to 2213 14th St. NW for some delicious fried chicken.

The ad was placed on May 20th, 1939 in the Baltimore Afro-American.

Dixie Chicken Shop advertisement (May 20th, 1939)
Dixie Chicken Shop advertisement (May 20th, 1939)

This sounds pretty damn good.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.