Unmuzzled Dogs Biting People in Washington DC – A Look Back to 1924

A wild article from 1924 Washington DC shows that unmuzzled dogs were biting people and that health and police authorities were uniting to check the epidemic. Take a look back at this intriguing article from the Washington Post.

Here’s a wild article that we dug up in the archives. It was published on July 17th, 1924 in the Washington Post.

Strict enforcement of the unmuzzled dog ordinance was ordered yesterday by Maj. Sullivan in a bulletin issued to members of the police department. The bulletin stated that a number of persons had recently been bitten by dogs running at large and emphasized the necessity of brining about absolute compliance with the proclamation of the District commissioners.

The latest victim of unmuzzled dogs is Herbert Louis, 8 years old, 509 Seventh street southwest, who was bitten on the leg yesterday. Louis was playing in the yard of Jacob Yorlick, 1258 Four-and-a-half street southwest, when attacked by an animal, belonging to Yorlick. The boy was treated by Dr. Walter W. Price.

It is estimated that more than 240 persons have been bitten since the first of the year. Health and police authorities are uniting to check the epidemic of dog bites.

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Ghosts of DC stories.