This is so cool … and obviously, not something that happened. We came across a fascinating article from The Evening Star, published on Saturday, December 18th, 1897.

Source: Library of Congress
The article referenced the proposed highway changes to the city, amending an act from 1893.
That map is herewith published in The Star. Explanatory of the map and the improvements shown thereon is also published the following list of streets and highways for extension and improvement, and also the reservations proposed:
North Capitol street, extend from T street to Prospect Hill cemetery.
U, V, and W streets, extend between North Capitol street and Le Droit avenue.
Albany street, extend to North Capitol street and abandon west of Le Droit avenue.
Rhode Island avenue, extend between Florida avenue and North Capitol street.
Le Droit avenue, extend from Elm street to Trumbull street.
Trumbull end College streets, extend through reservoir grounds.
Elm and Wilson streets, extend to sixth street.
Sixth street, extend from Spruce street to Pomeroy street.
New Jersey avenue, extend from 6th street to Kenesaw street.
Grant street, widen and extend from Florida avenue to 6th street.
Vermont avenue, extend from Florida avenue to Grant street.
Sherman avenue, widen and extend from Florida avenue to Whitney avenue.
11th street, extend from Florida avenue to New Jersey avenue extended.
Columbia and Steuben streets, extend from 18th street to Soldiers’ Home.
Sheridan street, extend and widen from 13th street to Soldiers’ Home.
Reservation at Sheridan street, Whitney avenue and Sherman avenue.
New Hampshire avenue, extend from Rock Creek Church road to Whitney avenue.
Warder avenue, extend to Steuben street and connect with 5th street.
Cammack and Ludlow avenues, extend to 7th street.
Rock Creek Church road, widen and extend to Spring road.
Parkway (Spring road) from New Hampshire avenue to Rock Creek Park.
Kansas avenue, extend from Spring to 14th street.
Lydecker avenue, widen and extend from Sherman avenue to 14th street.
Thirteenth street, widen from Whitney avenue to Spring road.
Fourteenth street, extend to Spring road.
Fourteenth Street road, widen to Spring road.
Howard avenue, widen and extend from 14th to 18th street.
Park street, widen from 14th street to 17th street.
Kenesaw avenue, widen between 14th street and Zoological Park.
Columbia street, locate from 16th street to 18th street.
School street, widen and extend from Park street to Kenesaw avenue.
Bacon and Binney streets, extend westward, 60 feet in width, to Columbia avenue.
Euclid place, connect, 75 feet wide with Erie street.
Columbia road, widen and extend from 18th street to 14th street.
Reservation, at 14th street and Columbia street.
Erie street, widen and extend from 18th street to Columbia avenue.
Chapin street, widen to 65 feet.
Superior street, widen and extend from 16h street to 18th street.
Sixteenth street, extend from Morris street to Spring road.
Seventeenth street and Central avenue, widen and extend from Florida avenue to Spring road.
Ontario avenue and Poplar avenue, widen from Columbia road to Quarry road.
Eighteenth street, extend from Quarry road to Kenesaw avenue.
Eighteenth street, extend from Quarry road to Kenesaw avenue.
Eighteenth street, widen at Champlain avenue shaft and above Howard avenue.
Adams’ Mill road, widen from Columbia road to Zoological Park.
Twentieth street, extend from Cincinnati street to Adams’ Mill road.
Kalorama avenue, extend at Columbia road and to Prescott place.
Twentieth street, extend at Columbia road and Wyoming avenue.
Wyoming avenue, connect at 19th street and Columbia road and 22d street.
Nineteenth street, widen from Florida avenue to Columbia road.
Connecticut avenue, extend from Florida avenue to Rock creek.
Twenty-second street, extend to S street.
S street, extend from Phelps to 23d street.
Vernon avenue, extend to Colmbia road.
Piney Branch road, Takoma, widen and extend to District line.
Magnolia avenue, Takoma, widen and extend.
This is a really long list and if you’re interested, you should read the full article. It’s pretty interesting.