Exploring Kalorama Through Time: A Comparison of the 1907 and Present-Day Maps

Take a look at the amazing transformation of Kalorama over time. From an empty lot in 1907 to a bustling, vibrant neighborhood worth over $200 million today - explore the comparison of these two maps!

This is a really interesting look at a neighborhood, where today, the total value of the properties hovers probably somewhere near $200 million.

This map is from 1907 and shows the area completely subdivided, with almost no buildings. Totally fascinating.

1907 map of Kalorama
1907 map of Kalorama

Check out the Google Map today. It looks like U St. became Wyoming Ave. and T St. became California St.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=38.916648,-77.052623&spn=0.006169,0.005&t=m&z=17&output=embed]

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