Real Estate Advertisements from the 1950s: A Great One from Sleepy Hollow in Falls Church

Check out this great real estate advertisement from Sleepy Hollow in Falls Church during the 1950s. We may have found the home in the ad, but if you recognize it, let us know!

Real estate advertisements from the 1950s are excellent. Here’s a great one from Sleepy Hollow in Falls Church.

Sleepy Hollow, West Falls Church real estate advertisement
Sleepy Hollow, West Falls Church real estate advertisement

We wanted to find the home in the advertisement above, and the the best of our sleuthing ability, we believe it’s 3017 Beechwood Lane. We may be mistaken of course, so if you recognize this home, tell us. Also, if you know the people that live there, share this with them, because  they will most certainly find this fascinating.