Posted In Sheridan Circle

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A Look at the Beautiful Development Around Sheridan Circle in 1911
Take a look back at the beautiful development around Sheridan Circle in 1911 with this advertisement from The Washington Herald. Learn more about the history of this area in DC.
Ghost Dog is Back with Three Stories about Sheridan Circle
Ghost Dog is back with three stories about Sheridan Circle, the most beautiful residential district in Washington. Learn about the 1976 assassination of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, the rise of the mansions and a prank involving the statue of General Sheridan.
1915 map of Georgetown and Sheridan Circle
Explore Georgetown with this 1915 Real Estate Map
Take a look at this 1915 real estate map of Georgetown from GhostsofDC. Explore the area and learn more about the history of the city!
Flag of Ireland
If Walls Could Talk: Embassy of Ireland
St. Patrick’s Day has come and gone, but that is only the climax of the love affair between our country and The Emerald Isle. Everyone has, or claims to have, some link back to Ireland. My wife firmly places her heritage on that island, but alas, I trace my roots back to Ayrshire and the Scottish Lowlands — I don’t think the Irish will hold this against me. Everyone’s favorite country is a great one to kick off a twist on our favorite series “If Walls Could Talk”...

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Ghosts of DC stories.