Posted In monkeys

angry monkeys are scary
Don't Piss Off an Angry Monkey: The Summer of 1929 East Riverdale Monkey Rampage
In the summer of 1929, the residents of East Riverdale, Maryland experienced an epic monkey rampage unlike anything they had seen before. Read on to find out how an angry monkey with a taste of freedom caused chaos and fear in the small town.
angry capuchin
A Wild Monkey Tale from 1909 - Adventure and Chaos on the Streets of DC
We dug up a bizarre article from July 31st, 1909 in the Washington Post. Imagine having a quiet lunch with your co-workers at the 12th and G Pret A Manger, when a monkey busts through the door and starts stealing food from tables. Follow us on this wild monkey tale from 1909 and the adventure and chaos on the streets of DC!

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.