Posted In Department of Treasury

View east on Pennsylvania Ave. in front of the Department of Treasury
A Glimpse Into the Past: Viewing Pennsylvania Avenue in Front of the Treasury Building
Take a step back in time and discover a glimpse into the past with this amazing photo of Pennsylvania Avenue in front of the Treasury Building. Discover more at the Historical Society of D.C. website.
Photo shows a man and a boy in summer straw hats happily displaying some unidentifiable papers on F Street, with the Treasury and a new electric hooded arc streetlight in the background. One of a series of scenes near Painter's office at 14th and E streets, this picture bears the hallmarks of the new "snapshot" style now made possible by the invention of the quick, hand-held Kodak: natural smiles and the movement of the ladies under the umbrella.
Uncovering the Past: A Look at this Fascinating 1885 Photo
Take a look at this fascinating photo from 1885! Uncovering the past, this photo from the Library of Congress shows a man and a boy in summer straw hats happily displaying some unidentifiable papers on F Street.
Treasury Building in 1860
A Look Back at the Treasury Building in 1860 Before the Civil War
Take a look back at the Treasury Building before the Civil War in 1860 with a photo from the Library of Congress. Learn more about this historic building from this blog post.
Department of Treasury - November 11th, 1862
A Photo Series Showing the Construction of the Treasury Building in the 1860s
Take a look back at the history of the Treasury Building in Washington, D.C. with this series of photos showing its construction in the 1860s. Explore the progress and final result of the building's design and architecture.
Department of Treasury in 1863
The Treasury Building As It Looked During the Civil War
Stunning old image of the Treasury building during the Civil War.
Treasury target range completed. Washington, D.C., June 10. The Treasury Department in Washington, D.C., has installed a new and modern target range in the sub basement of the Treasury Building. The range has shielded lights and electrically operated targets, is sound proof and ventilated by a fan which removes gases almost instantly. Entrance to the firing booths is through two doors which act as an air lock and prevent sound and gas from going into the outer rooms. Left to right in the picture: R.P. Hallion, White House Police; J.E. Murphy, assistant chief, Secret Service; E.L. Warden, White House Police; E.D. Murray, chief bonus mate, Coast Guard; Frank J. Wilson, chief of Secret Service; J.J. Cash, White House Police; Adam T. Smith, gunners mate, 1st. class, Coast Guard; and Elmer Irey, coordinator, Treasury Enforcement Services, 6-10-40
Uncovering the Mystery of the 1940 Treasury Target Range
Join us as we uncover the mystery of the 1940 Treasury Target Range in Washington, D.C. We'll explore the range's shielded lights, electrically operated targets, sound proofing, and more. Learn the history behind this fascinating piece of history.
V Drive - April 1919
Remembering the Opening of the V Drive at Treasury in 1919
Take a look back at the opening of the V Drive at Treasury in April 1919, thanks to GoDCer Jim for sharing this photo via Facebook. His cousin Catherine has it hanging on her wall!
A Journey Back in Time: Spectacular Photos of the U.S. Treasury Department Building's Construction in the 1850s
Take a journey back in time and behold spectacular photos of the U.S. Treasury Department Building's construction in the 1850s! Plus, check out two other amazing photos of the building from 1890 and 1860.
eastward view down Pennsylvania Avenue
Beautiful 1905 Photographs of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C.
Take a look at these beautiful photographs of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington D.C. taken in 1905 by the Rotograph Company. See the eastward, westward, and Treasury Department views down Pennsylvania Avenue.
Department of Treasury (1910) - Library of Congress
A Detailed Look at the Treasury Building in 1910
Take a detailed look at the Treasury Building in 1910 with this stunning photograph from the Library of Congress. Explore the history behind this iconic building and its role in US government.

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