Posted In 1880s

a non-exploded manhole cover
Explosion of Gas in Sewer Main Causes Chaos in Georgetown - A Washington Post Story from 1889
Read the incredible Washington Post story from 1889 about an explosion of gas in a sewer main in Georgetown that caused chaos in the area. This is a wild story you won't want to miss!
Photo shows a horse-drawn sleigh carrying what may be Melinda and Elise Painter across 14th St. at F St. in front of the Ebbitt House hotel. The modest buildings to the right of the grand hotel housed Newspaper Row, and just across the street at number 501 was Painter's office as Washington correspondent for the Philadelphia Inquirer. (Source: Ison article on Painter, 1990)
Unearthing the History of the Ebbitt House Hotel and Newspaper Row
Discover the historical significance of the Ebbitt House Hotel and Newspaper Row, located in Washington DC and discovered by GoDCer Brian. Learn more about the area's past with this interesting article!
view southeast from the U.S. Capitol
An Amazing Photograph of the View Southeast from the U.S. Capitol in 1880
Take a look at this amazing photograph taken around 1880 from the top of the U.S. Capitol, showing the view southeast toward the Anacostia River. Includes a block of five homes at 1st and A St. SE built around 1800 and razed in 1887 to build the Library of Congress.
May 30th, 1886 real estate advertisement (Washington Post)
A Look Back at Real Estate Prices in 1886
Take a step back in time and discover what real estate prices were like in 1886. In this Washington Post ad, you can find houses for sale for $15,000 or rent for $40 a month!
Takoma advertisement in the Sunday Herald - June 14th, 1891
Exploring the History of Takoma Park (and Takoma), a Victorian Suburb of Washington, DC
Discover the fascinating history of Takoma Park, a Victorian-era suburb of Washington, DC. Founded by Benjamin Franklin Gilbert in the late 19th century, explore the charming architecture and unique culture of this small neighborhood by the District line.
Sanborn fire insurance map of Washington Circle in 1888
The Sanborn Fire Map of Washington Circle in 1888
Take a look at the astonishing Sanborn Fire Map of Washington Circle in 1888. See the residential structures, many of them frame structures, that were there at the time.
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A Fascinating 1883 Bird's-Eye View of Washington DC
Delve into a fascinating 1883 bird's-eye view of Washington DC, courtesy of the Library of Congress. Click to explore the incredible detail of this image.
Victorian-era black umbrella
OMFG! A Murder by Umbrella in 19th-Century Washington, DC
OMFG! Read this crazy tale of a murder in 19th-century Washington, DC, where a man was killed with an umbrella. See an 1887 newspaper article and a map of the area today.
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Exploring Thomas Circle in 1888: A Sanborn Fire Insurance Map
Take a virtual tour of Thomas Circle in 1888 with this Sanborn Fire Insurance Map. See the yellow wooden frame structures and the pink brick buildings of the area.
proposed Washington Monument
Unveiling a Tacky Proposal to Finish the Washington Monument (Dated 1889)
Check out this tacky proposal to finish the Washington Monument. The date on the drawing is 1889, however the monument was completed and dedicated in 1885. See the proposed design and learn more about the history of the monument.

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Ghosts of DC stories.