Posted In From GoDCers

Cars in front of the Washington Monument in 1956
Incredible Photos of DC from 1956 Showing Tours Passing by the Front of the White House
Check out these incredible photos of DC from 1956 sent in by GoDCer Bill. The wild part is that tours passed by the front of the White House back in those days. See the photos of the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, and Federal Triangle!
Howard University football in 1904
A Look Back at Howard University and St. John's College Football Teams in 1904 and 1906
Take a look back at Howard University and St. John's College football teams from 1904 and 1906. Check out the cool photos and learn about how the school has changed over time.
Mt. Vernon south porch
1925 Washington Visit: Photos from a Grandparent's Honeymoon
Thanks to GoDCer Judith for sharing photos from her grandparents' honeymoon Washington visit in 1925. See the views of the Capitol, Mt. Vernon and more!
Model-T and Bosworth
Help GoDCers Solve a 100+ Year Old Mystery: Where Was This Photo Taken?
Can you help GoDCers solve a 100+ year old mystery? We need your help to figure out where this photo was taken in Washington, DC. The photo and a note from GoDCer Jeff (including his friend Alan) are included. Take a closer look and join in the discussion in the comments!
Great Original Video Footage of 1949 Washington DC
Check out this rare footage from GoDCer Eric, sent in from 1949. Enjoy this amazing historical moment and share it with your friends!
Sue & Joe - Capitol - circa 1955 - final book
A Look Back at 1955 Washington DC: A Family Photo from Mike
Take a look back at 1955 Washington DC with this family photo from Mike. His parents, Sue and Joe, were working at the Pentagon and Vint Hill Farm Station at the time. See the photo and read the story behind it here!
view of the Jefferson Memorial
Reader Appreciation: Incredible Photos of Washington, DC in 1950
We love getting notes from readers like that! Here's a special post of appreciation, with incredible photos of Washington, DC as it looked in 1950.
Washington Monument
Can You Help Date this Photo of the Washington Monument from the 1920s?
Can you help our community member Ken date this photo of the Washington Monument from the 1920s? He's guessing sometime in the 1920s but maybe someone out there can offer a more precise estimate.
Mount Vernon in the snow
Two Great Photos of Mount Vernon in 1932, the 133rd Anniversary of George Washington's Funeral
Take a look back in time with these two great photos of Mount Vernon in 1932, the 133rd anniversary of George Washington's funeral. GoDCer Mollie sent these in to share with the community.
National Hotel
GoDCer Monica Sends in Postcard of National Hotel
GoDCer Monica has sent in a postcard of the National Hotel after we posted about the hotel the other day. Thanks Monica! #GhostsofDC #NationalHotel #Postcard

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Ghosts of DC stories.