We love these old photos on Shorpy. This one shows Evelyn Wadsworth, then about 20 years old, serving drinks at the National Capital Horse Show. She was the daughter of Senator James Wadsworth and Alice Evelyn Hay.
You may recognize her mother’s last name, because she was the daughter of John Hay, former private secretary to Abraham Lincoln, and Secretary of State. Also, half the namesake of the Hay-Adams Hotel.

The Wadsworths were from New York and Evelyn was a student at Vassar. In September of 1923, she was engaged to W. Stuart Symington, Jr. of Baltimore. Her name, in addition to those of her parents and fiance, were sprinkled throughout the society pages of the time. Here’s the large spread in The Baltimore Sun mentioning her engagement.
On March 1st, 1924, her wedding was covered by The New York Times, following the ceremony held in Baltimore.
WASHINGTON, March 1.–Miss Evelyn Wadsworth, only daughter of Senator and Mrs. James W. Wadsworth Jr. of New York, was married this afternoon to William Stuart Symington 3d. of Baltimore in St. John’s Church, Lafayette Square. The President and Mrs. Coolidge headed the comparatively small official company invited to witness the ceremony, along with the immediate relatives of the two young people.
The article closed by mentioning that following their honeymoon, the couple will settle down in Rochester, New York.