Exploring Columbia Heights: A Look at the Old Advertisement from 1905

Check out this old advertisement from 1905 about the elegant residences of Congressmen and other prominent citizens in Columbia Heights. We explore the homes that surrounded the area back then!

This is awesome. Maybe you’re going to hit up a few open houses today? Well, check this old advertisement out.

13th and Harvard St. NW advertisement (1905)
13th and Harvard St. NW advertisement (1905)

This part is great, advertising your potential new neighbors in Columbia Heights:

Elegant residences of Congressmen Prince, Gardner, Hermann, Hogg, Miller, Roberts and Hon. Wm. T. Harris, Commissioner West, Assessor Darneille, Justice Harlan, Mr. Droop, Mrs. John A. Logan, Judge Bundy, Mr. Ailes, Vice President Riggs Bank, and homes of many other prominent, well-known citizens surround these houses.

Anybody know which homes these are? I was checking out Google Street View, but couldn’t narrow down which set of row houses this would have been. The closest I could get was this one.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.