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Posted In January 23, 2012

Cherry blossoms featured
A Glimpse into D.C. During World War II: A Video from the 1944 Cherry Blossom Festival
Take a peek into the past and watch a video from the 1944 Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. during World War II. Enjoy the nostalgic vibes and a unique glimpse into the city during wartime. Pardon the music - mute it for the best experience.
Streetcar decorated with safety slogans (1922)
You Wouldn't Have Your Child Be a Jaywalker: Don't Be One Yourself
This century-old safety slogan is still relevant today. Read on to find out why you shouldn't be a jaywalker and why this old photograph from the Library of Congress archives is so amusing.

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Ghosts of DC stories.