Comparing Photos from Columbia Rd. and Sherman Ave. NW in 1921 and Today

Compare photos from 1921 and today at the intersection of Columbia Rd. and Sherman Ave. NW in Washington, D.C. See the same row of homes still standing and read about the automobile accident that happened there in 1921.

Here are a couple photos from my new favorite site, Shorpy. This was taken on January 5th, 1921 at the intersection of Columbia Rd. and Sherman Ave. NW.

Accident at Columbia Rd. and Sherman Ave. NW
Accident at Columbia Rd. and Sherman Ave. NW

Now this is cool … take a look at the photo of the same intersection today (courtesy Google Street View). Both photos are looking east down Columbia Rd. The whole row of homes on the right is still there.

Columbia Rd. and Sherman Ave. NW today
Columbia Rd. and Sherman Ave. NW today

Below, read what was written in the Post a few days later on January 8th.

Battalion Fire Chief Timothy J. Donohue continued to improve yesterday from injuries received in a motor collision Wednesday afternoon at Columbia road and Sherman avenue. With a cracked jaw, several ribs broken and his face, head and body lacerated, Donohue, despite his 63 years, rallied in a manner which pleased the staff at Garfield Hospital.

B.F. Foley, driver for Donohue, is still suffering from lacerations and shock, but is not in danger. Sergt. Costello and Private Jones have gone to their homes.

Here’s a close up and different angle from the same accident.

Close up of accident at Columbia Rd. and Sherman Ave. NW
Close up of accident at Columbia Rd. and Sherman Ave. NW

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.