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Posted In Maya Lin

Paul Stevenson Oles sketch of the Vietnam Memorial
Maya Lin's Winning Design Concept for the Vietnam Memorial
In 1981, Maya Lin won the contest to design the Vietnam Memorial at the age of just 21. Learn how her abstract design concept was sketched by Paul Stevenson Oles and became a powerful memorial in Washington, DC.
Maya Ying Lin, the Yale architecture student who submitted the winning design for the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial, holds a scale model of her design on May 6, 1981. © Bettmann/CORBIS (mentalfloss.com
Controversy and Design: The Ghosts of DC Memorials
Controversy and design have a long history when it comes to the memorials in Washington, DC. From the Washington Monument to the Vietnam War Memorial, this guest post explores the history of the Ghosts of DC Memorials.

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