Posted In Brightwood

1907 map of Brightwood
A Rare Look at the Area Around Brightwood in 1907
Take a rare peek at Brightwood in 1907 by exploring this historic map. GoDCer Ian emailed us about this unique artifact. Enjoy!
Capt. B.S. Brown (left); Lt. John P. Shaw, Co. F 2nd Regt. Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry (center); and Lt. Fry (right) with African American men and boy.
Exploring Camp Brightwood on the Cultural Tourism D.C. Heritage Trail
Take an historic journey to Camp Brightwood on the Cultural Tourism D.C. Heritage Trail. Learn more about this Civil War landmark at 5704 Georgia Ave. NW.
14th St. car barn under construction - August 2nd, 1907 (Washington Times)
The Giant Car Barn on 14th St. NW: A 1907 Story
Take a look back at the past century with this story of the giant car barn on 14th Street NW in 1907. Learn how it was built, what it cost and what it means today.
Sanborn fire insurance map circa 1903
Petworth: From Rural to Hipsters – Exploring the History of this DC Neighborhood
Explore the history of Petworth, DC, from its country estates and ancient city to its recent development as a hipster neighborhood. Read this blog for fun facts and more!
Popular Lieutenant Sprinkle of the 5th precinct (1914)
Officer Sprinkle: Captured Geronimo, Accused Bootlegger, and Bodyguard to President Wilson
A couple of reader comments about an Officer Sprinkle in this earlier post piqued my interest in finding out a little more about the guy who has the kind of name you’d give to a cat. An unforgettable name, so hopefully I’ll be able to dig up enough information on this guy to write a post worthy of being “A Personal Story.” Joshua Sprinkle – Boyd Joshua L. Sprinkle was born July 7th, 1864 in Ohio, just south of Columbus (the 1900 Census incorrectly listed his place of...

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Ghosts of DC stories.