Posted In Notable People & Places

Matt Williams' grandfather, Washington Senators' Bert Griffith
Uncovering the Historic Family Connection Between Current Washington Nationals Manager Matt Williams and His Grandfather Bert (Buck) Griffith
Discover the historic family connection between current Washington Nationals manager Matt Williams and his grandfather, Bert (Buck) Griffith, who was a member of the only team from Washington to win the World Series. Read the full article to learn more.
Walter Johnson and his son Eddie in 1938
Exploring Walter Johnson's Post-Baseball Life Through Hunting Dogs
Dive into the post-baseball life of Washington hero and Major League Baseball Hall of Famer, Walter Johnson, through his involvement with hunting dogs. Learn where his 130-acre farm near Germantown was located and more!
Aerial view of Pennsylvania Avenue looking west, showing Federal Triangle and the National Mall. (2006)
Federal Triangle History: The Story Behind A Name
The history behind the Federal Triangle moniker reveals an intriguing story intertwined with the urban evolution of Washington D.C. in the early 1900s.
Robert Mills's original design for the Washington Monument, Washington, D.C.
Washington Monument's Original Design: A Look at Robert Mills' Ornate Vision
Explore the rich history behind the Washington Monument's construction, from its visionary inception in 1833 to the challenges and controversies it faced, culminating in the iconic obelisk we recognize today.
Dulles Airport tower being built
Old Photos of Dulles Airport Under Construction
This series of great images shows Washington's Dulles International Airport while it was being constructed.
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Discovering a Rare Photo of Walter Johnson and Gabby Street at the Detroit Public Library
Discover a rare photo of Walter Johnson and Gabby Street at the Detroit Public Library. Read the story behind it and listen to a 1939 radio broadcast of Walter Johnson calling a game. Source: Detroit Public Library.
1920 Washington Senators
The Washington Senators in Spring Training of 1920: A Look Back at the Team Before They Became World Champs
Take a look back at the Washington Senators team during spring training of 1920. They came in sixth place that year, but a few years later they would become world champs!
Manager Stanley Harris, in the grandstand, presents President Coolidge with the baseball used to open the 1924 World Series (October 4th, 1924)
Grace Coolidge, First Lady & Baseball Fan: Witnessing the Washington Senators Win the 1924 World Series
Grace Coolidge, wife of President Calvin Coolidge, was an avid baseball fan and attended the 1924 World Series in Washington. Read about her experience and watch film footage of the game!
Taken by Sidney Duff in Washington, DC. Union Station was completed in October 1908. Here, only one of the six statues have been installed over the entrance. Another photo from the set shows the Tidal Basin frozen over, causing me to guess that this is January 1908.
A Rare Look at DC's Union Station Under Construction in the Early 1900s
Take a rare look at Washington, DC's Union Station under construction in the early 1900s. This photo from Sidney Duff shows only one of the six statues installed over the entrance. Click to learn more!
LBJ throws out first pitch
LBJ Throws Out the First Pitch at the 1967 Senators vs. Yankees Game
We're way late on this, but better late than never. Here's a terrific photo shared with us by old GoDC friend Phil of President Lyndon B. Johnson throwing the first pitch at the 1967 Senators vs. Yankees game. See the full list of people in the photo.

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