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Posted In February 18, 2015

Third in a series of four panoramic photographs of Washington, D.C., from left to right (west to east) taken from a tower in the Smithsonian Institution Building. The Mall area is covered with trees. The streets on the left perpendicular to the Mall are 12th Street and 11th Street. The long building on the right is Center Market bounded by Pennsylvania Avenue, Constitution Avenue, 7th and 9th Streets, N.W. Up and behind Center Market on the right, the large building is the Pension Bureau Building bounded by F and G Streets, N.W., between 4th and 5th Streets, designed by General Montgomery C. Meigs, completed in 1887, later occupied by many government agencies and now known as the National Building Museum
Is Washington the Most Beautiful City in the World?
Explore the beauty of Washington DC, the US capital, and why many people believe it is the most beautiful city in the world. Learn about the McMillan Plan, the unbuilt Grant Memorial, and Frederick Law Olmsted. Read the full article from 1907.

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Ghosts of DC stories.