New Gonzaga College Advertisement in the Washington Times – August 31st, 1913

Read about the history of Gonzaga College and their 1913 advertisement in the Washington Times. Learn more about the Jesuits' persistence and the school's current status as the premier Catholic high school of Washington.
New Gonzaga College advertisement in the Washington Times - August 31st, 1913
New Gonzaga College advertisement in the Washington Times – August 31st, 1913

Along the same lines as the earlier post today with the St. Albans advertisement, here is another prominent (and old) local school. Gonzaga had just built their Main Building in 1912, now named Dooley Hall.

Read their Wikipedia page for a little more history. I found this part to be particularly interesting.

Gonzaga benefited greatly from the fact that the row houses built in Swampoodle were largely occupied by Irish Catholics from the late 19th century on. Although Gonzaga always drew students from other parts of the city as well, the departure of the Swampoodle Irish for the suburbs in the mid-20th century and more especially their replacement by poorer non-Catholics, brought on another period of difficulties. A decline in enrollment and the great inner-city riot of 1968 led some to suggest that Gonzaga should be closed, or moved to a more affluent area. However, the Jesuits once again persisted, and the school survived. In the last years of the 20th century, the school even expanded, adding several new buildings and a large playing field and field house. Today Gonzaga has regained its former status. A recent Wall Street Journal editorial referred to the institution as “the premier Catholic high school of Washington.”

I do know some people from Gonzaga, and I’ll make sure to send this to them.

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