Explore the 1907 Baist Real Estate Map of Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park

Discover the 1907 Baist Real Estate Map of Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park. See how the area has changed over the years and explore popular establishments like Big Bear Cafe, Rustik, and Boundary Stone.

We now know that GoDCers love maps. They seriously love maps, because our most popular post ever was the 1851 map of Washington. So, let’s satisfy that hunger for more maps with this one from 1907.

The map below is the Baist real estate map covering the areas of Bloomingdale and LeDroit Park. Click on it so you can get much better details. It’s pretty amazing.

1907 Baist real estate atlas for Ledroit Park and Bloomingdale
1907 Baist real estate atlas for LeDroit Park and Bloomingdale

The map includes Big Bear Cafe, Rustik (looks like an empty lot) and Boundary Stone to name a few contemporary establishments. The pink buildings are brick structures while the yellow are frame buildings.

Be careful, you might end up spending an hour analyzing this map.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.