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Posted In March 5, 2014

Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., former mayor of Baltimore, talks on March 28, 1961, at the White House with President John Kennedy after taking the oath to become a member of the Federal Renegotiation Board. Mrs. D’Alesandro and their daughter, Nancy (left), are in the background.
Mayor D'Alesandro Opposes Building an Airport in Virginia: A Look Back at the 1949 Washington Post Article
In 1949, Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro opposed building an airport in Virginia to relieve Washington's air traffic. Check out this article from The Washington Post to learn more about the story. #GhostsOfDC #1940s #Airport #DCA #BWI #Dulles
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A Look at the Beautiful Development Around Sheridan Circle in 1911
Take a look back at the beautiful development around Sheridan Circle in 1911 with this advertisement from The Washington Herald. Learn more about the history of this area in DC.
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A Look Back in Time: Advertising Sibley Memorial Hospital in 1910
Take a look back in time at an advertisement for Sibley Memorial Hospital from September 1st, 1910, printed in The Washington Herald. Learn more about Sibley Memorial Hospital and its history.

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