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Posted In March 27, 2013

oysters are yummy with beer
An Interesting Experiment: The Effect of Whisky and Beer on Oyster Digestion
An interesting experiment was conducted by a Washington physician to determine the relative effect of whisky and lager beer on the digestion of food in the human stomach. Read this article to find out the outcome and try it for yourself at Pearl Dive or Hank's!
National Bohemian advertisement from 1955
How Beer and Baseball Have Been Inseparable Since the 1940s
Discover the long-standing relationship between beer and baseball, from the famous Yankee homerun calls to the unfortunate incident that caused a local brewery to cancel its sponsorship of a 1940s team. Read on to find out more!
February 1913. "Woman suffrage -- hikers arriving in Washington from New York." Today marks the 90th anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which granted women the right to vote. Over the next few days we'll post some more suffrage photos. Harris & Ewing glass negative.
Women's Suffrage Crowds on Pennsylvania Avenue in February 1913
1913 Pennsylvania Avenue and women's suffrage street scene.

Enjoy daily

Ghosts of DC stories.